Support the Artists

About Support the Artists
About Support the Artists
‘Support the Artists’ is a SPIC MACAY initiative to support artists who make their living by promoting and practising Indian classical and folk art forms. As a consequence of Covid-19 lockdown and restrictions, many of the artists and craftsmen are struggling to make ends meet.
To help them overcome the adversities faced by them due to no means for income in sight we at SPIC MACAY have resolved to support the artists financially. Further, we have also undertaken initiatives like organising online interactions, concerts, workshops, and exhibitions, taking their skills virtually to their audience. SPIC MACAY is known for its determination to promote Indian art and support artists over the years. This is one such, much-needed attempt to alleviate the suffering of artists and artisans by providing them with an adequate platform.
Background: The challenge of survival
Due to loss of work and no means of sustenance many artists have been forced to take up menial jobs to sustain their livelihood. They have even resorted to selling day to day wares on streets, vegetables, consumables, masks to other frugal utilities.
While some of the technologically proficient artists are adapting to the new normal to conduct workshops and market their artistic creations, the ones who are not technically sound have been further affected due to the restrictions on physical gatherings.
The already vanishing ancient arts and crafts-that have been preserved by these artisans who despite the challenges of their profession- are facing the risk of dwindling at a faster rate. These dismal times are proving to be full of hurdles for these preservers of our heritage. Thus, we at SPIC MACAY believe we have to stand in unity to ease the hardships faced by the artist community right now.
Concept and Execution Roadmap
The ‘Support the Artists series’ is to help the artists in promoting their work online, especially from the rural and folk-art form communities. The team has prepared a list of 400 artists who need assistance, spanning across India.
Care has been taken that there is an equitable distribution of contributions pan-India (North/South/East/West). The entire mission was spearheaded by Suman Doonga, who is a SPIC MACAY volunteer for the last twenty years. Suman ma’am is currently based in Delhi and has been looking after the execution of the “Support the Artists Series” via various online platforms. She has guided many young SPIC MACAY volunteers to take charge and carry out this immensely important campaign.
For the successful snowballing of the campaign, the volunteers arranged for making video modules for each artist across the country. In every module, the artist performed their art be it music, art and craft or dance. All of the videos were promoted via our official social media platforms and the SPIC MACAY website.
The video module also comprised of an appeal to the viewers to make their contributions to the artist. Details such as contact number, email address, residential address, bank account numbers were all provided in the videos to show authenticity as well as fast-track contributions.
Our future endeavour is that the videos would also assist in selling their handicrafts and/or art products online and helped them in taking the first few steps towards self-sustainability. Sabyasachi Dey and Jayashree Kannan are two of the volunteers of SPIC MACAY who shared the work and helped in the smooth functioning of the entire team with the logistics.
It is also noteworthy that SPIC MACAY has already been allocated a fund of 20 lakhs INR (Turner Morrison Foundation 10 lakhs + SIFF Academy 5 lakhs + ALVL Foundation 5 lakhs) and has already assisted over 100 artists with INR 5000 each. We are looking forward to more patrons learning about the movement and supporting the great cause.
As always, at SPIC MACAY, we aim to instil hope, positivity, mental strength and peace among fellow human beings. Because together we can make all the difference.
[Support from Media houses]
The 'Support the Artists Series' by SPIC MACAY has received a lot of media support, which has helped in bringing forth the campaign to the masses. The following the media coverages:
The Times of India:
India T.V:
The Hindu:
[Our social media handles]
Support The Artist Series Youtube Playlist -