SPIC MACAY runs on two wheels: conceptual & organizational.
The weekly meetings should oil both these wheels regularly. SPIC MACAY is not merely an event/program organizing body. We have to find ways & means of reaching out to the young. This involves coming & putting our head together.
The weekly meetings are our strength & mainstay. It should be purposeful and attractive, ever drawing new dedicated members. The abilities of each member should be taken note of and put to the best use for the welfare of the chapter.
It has been observed that the non functioning and at times even the total disappearance of a one time strong chapter, is due to the absence of weekly meetings or on account of purposeless weekly meetings. Besides planning for our regular activities and working for our common goal, the weekly meetings should enrich us and bind us together in fellowship. A sense of belonging takes place .

Points to be borne in mind
- Establish one day of the week for regular meetings.
- Venue & time should be fixed and shared with all chapter members.
- An agenda of meeting should be prepared beforehand.
- Minutes should be maintained.
- Minutes of the previous meetings should be read & confirmed.
- Attendance should be maintained.
- Meetings should generally be open for all.
- Inclusion of new, interested volunteers should be encouraged.

Suggested Activities
- Talks by enlightened person are encouraged.
- Audio visual program can bring additional enthusiasm in the meetings.
- Discussion on selected highlighted topics can be done.
- Interaction with other NGO working on similar areas.
- Celebrate national/local festivals in the meetings.
- In house baithaks can also be organized, and can have an inclusive feeling.
- Inviting artists & prominent personalities can be invited for interaction with the volunteers
- Linking up through Skype with all India cooridnators meetings
Online Meetings